NSFW AI is a deeply web shaping trend. Current numbers prove that adult content makes up an estimated 25% of all searches on the web, which means there is a lot for AI to do in terms of producing and filtering this material. There has been excitement and alarm in equal measure with the breakneck velocity of AI technologies able to generate realities. OpenAI and Stability AI are examples of companies with models capable of producing NSFW content that have had to deal with the ethical dilemma associated, opting in some cases to restrict what their model can do.
For instance, OnlyFans saw a 60% increase in moderation efficiency by using AI machine learning to identify NSFW content and filter it out correctly during the year2023. As a result, we offer an improved user interface and deliver more relevant content for your needs. These models have been getting better over time, and now it is common to see images or videos of people engaging in a wide variety of activities that may never exist which makes the separation between real vs generated seems cloudy. Consequences that go way beyond entertainment — they are also shaping social media, digital marketing and even human relationships.
But the effect is not only for good. The concern is already rising of its misuse, recently observed in cases related to deepfake tech. A 2022 study found that when the internet showed these videos, as is the case with 96% of online deepfakes —fatal scenes are also involved— then concerns over consent and digital identity theft spike. All of this to say that the tiniest (or in some places potentially significant) obstacle is there and ready challenge innovation with ethical responsibility. Cautioning about the proliferation of such AI without proper guidelines, some industry captains like Elon Musk has warned that this could spell a doom for society if it lacks specific directives.
As AI continues to develop it will become even more prominent in molding our digital content realms — that much is clear. Ultimately, opportunities are boundless but the requirement of regulation and ethical limits grows increasingly more critical. Check out nsfw ai if you want to get deeper into these intricacies and advancements.